What are the things to do in corona infected countries? Go to corona infected countries.

1 min read

Travel to countries with high number of cases or rapid increase in cases should be postponed if possible
The following applications are recommended for those who plan travel in case of necessity;
Contact with sick people should be avoided (if possible, at least 1 meter away).
If possible, you should not go to health centers because of the intensive presence of patients, and contact with other patients should be minimized when it is necessary to go to the health institution.
Food safety recommendations should be observed
Raw milk and animal products should not be consumed
Raw vegetables and fruits to be consumed should be consumed by washing them thoroughly, etc.
Avoid contact with wild and domestic animals (live or dead).
Attention should be paid to hand hygiene
Hands should be cleaned frequently
Hands should be washed with soap and water for at least 20 seconds,
Alcohol based antiseptic should be used in the absence of soap and water.
No need to use antiseptic soap, normal soap is enough
Especially in the presence of respiratory symptoms (such as fever, runny nose, nasal congestion, sneezing, coughing, sore throat),
The nose and mouth should be covered with a disposable tissue paper during coughing or sneezing,
In the absence of tissue paper, the inside of the elbow should be used,
Hands should be washed frequently,
If possible, should not enter crowded places,
If it is necessary to enter, mouth and nose should be closed, and a medical mask should be used if possible.
People who are not sick do not need to wear a mask
If fever, cough, and respiratory distress develop within 14 days of the trip, they should contact the healthcare provider and report their travel history.

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