The disease is transmitted mainly through droplets The virus can be transmitted from droplets emanating from coughing, sneezing from sick individuals, and from surfaces contaminated by patients (contact with hands, eyes, mouth,…
MoreNot clear yet The origin of SARS-CoV-2 is still under investigation Available data indicate wild animals illegally sold in the Seafood Wholesale Market.…
More31 December 2019 WHO: China Country Office, enter Wuhan of Hubei province of China Reporting pneumonia cases of unknown etiology Clustering of employees in the Wuhan South China Seafood City Market (a…
MoreSingle chain, positive polarity, envelope RNA viruses In the Coronaviridae family They are classified into four main types: Alpha, Beta, Gamma and Delta. They can be found in humans, bats, pigs, cats,…
MoreIt is not necessary for pets, such as domestic cats / dogs, to be infected with the New Coronavirus (2019-nCoV). However, hands should always be washed with soap and water after contact…
MoreStandard cleaning with water and detergent is sufficient for cleaning schools. Particular attention should be paid to the cleaning of the door handles, faucets, handrails, toilet and sink surfaces with hands. There…
MoreYour child may encounter flu, colds, and cold-causing viruses at school, or corona virus.…
MoreDo not pay attention to hand cleaning. Hands should be washed with soap and water for at least 20 seconds, soap and water are used for alcohol, hand antiseptics should be used.…
MoreGeneral infection protection measures should be taken. Attention should be paid to hand cleaning. Hands should be washed with soap and water for at least 20 seconds, and alcohol-based hand antiseptics should…
MoreGeneral measures should be taken to prevent infection. Do not pay attention to hand cleaning. Hands should be washed with soap and water for at least 20 seconds, soap and water are…
MoreStandard cleaning with water and detergent is sufficient in accommodation facilities. Particular attention should be paid to the surfaces that are frequently touched by hands, door handles, batteries, handrails, toilet and sink…
MoreGuests, who carry personal belongings, such as suitcases, are not expected to become infectious (pose a risk of disease spread) even if the virus cannot survive on inanimate surfaces for a long…
MoreIt should be ensured that the vehicles are frequently ventilated with fresh air during use. In vehicle ventilation, it should be preferred to heat and cool the air with the air taken…
MoreIt is recommended that these vehicles be well ventilated and standard general cleaning is done with water and detergent. It is recommended that the vehicles should be cleaned after each use, if…
MoreIn general, since these viruses can remain alive for a short period of time, there is no need for contamination by package or cargo. The World Health Organization has no restrictions on…
MoreIt can also be used for the new Coronavirus (2019-nCoV). these; – Hand cleaning will be paid attention. Hands should be washed with soap and water for at least 20 seconds, soap…
MoreThe basic principles proposed to reduce the overall risk of transmission of acute respiratory infections also apply to the New Coronavirus (2019-nCoV). These; – Hand cleaning should be considered. Hands should be…
MoreNo, there is no vaccine developed yet. It is reported that a vaccine that can be used safely on humans despite the advances in technology can be produced at the earliest year.…
MoreThermal cameras are used to detect people with fever and to conduct further examinations of whether they carry disease by separating them from other people. Of course, it is not possible to…
MoreThe disease is for a relatively slow course, according to published data on people in the disease. The symptoms such as cough, shortness of breath that you experience more severe complaints (such…
MoreAccording to the data obtained, those who have advanced age and concomitant disease (such as asthma, diabetes, heart disease) are at higher risk of developing the virus. With current data, it is…
MoreAlthough it has been reported that there may be cases without symptoms, their rate is unknown. The most common symptoms are fever, cough and shortness of breath. In severe cases, pneumonia, severe…
MoreThe incubation period of the virus is between 2 days and 14 days.…
MoreNo, antibiotics act on viruses, but only against bacteria. The new Coronavirus (2019-nCoV) is a virus and therefore antibiotics are not used to prevent or treat infection.…
MoreThere is no effective treatment for the virus. According to the general conditions of the patient, the necessary supportive treatment is to apply. It investigates the effectiveness of some drugs in the…
MoreYıl 1991 ve nice borsa lisanslarınınilkini almaya imtihana giriyorum. Ortam bir genç için olağanüstü heyecanverici ve Wall Street binaların birisinde tüm dünyadan borsacı adayları bulunduklarıodada o heyecanlı elektriği hissediyorlar. Hani vardır ya…
MoreEllerinizi sık sık su ve sabun ile en az 20 saniye boyunca ovarak yıkayın. Soğuk algınlığı belirtileri gösteren kişilerle aranıza en az 3-4 adım mesafe koyun. Bulunduğunuz ortamları sık sık havalandırın Kıyafetlerinizi…
MoreYüksek vaka sayısı veya hızlı vaka artışının görüldüğü ülkelere seyahatler mümkünse ertelenmeli Zorunluluk durumlarında seyahat planlayanlar için aşağıdaki uygulamalar önerilir; Hasta insanlarla temastan kaçınılmalı (mümkün ise en az 1 metre uzakta bulunulmalı).…
More1.Hastanın tıbbi maske takması sağlanır ve diğer hastalar ile mesafesi en az 1 metre olacak şekilde ayrı bir alana alınır (eğer imkan var ise tek kişilik, banyo ve tuvaleti olan bir odaya,…
MoreCOVID-19 ön tanısı ile başvuran pnömoni ve ağır pnömonisi olan hastalarda, bakteriler ve diğer virüsler dikkate alınarak ampirik tedavi planlanır. Ampirik tedavide kullanılacak antibiyotiğin seçimi hastanın klinik durumuna (toplum kökenli pnömoni, sağlık…